GBA Annual Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 8:30 am until 9:30 am
A meeting of the Greenfield Business Association

The Greenfield Business Association's Annual Meeting is open to all members. Please log into the meeting following the Zoom link below.

  1. Welcome & Update - Bill Baker

  2. Elections

    • Board proposes:

      • Bob Sunderland, YMCA, retired

    • Open positions (4)

  3. 2019 Report - Bill Baker

  4. 2020 Goals - Rachel Roberts

The mission of the GBA is to promote the economic and civic vitality of the Greenfield business community. To encourage a unified revitalization effort among all segments of the community in order to foster a community of businesses for an economically sound future in Greenfield.

GBA Board Meeting 2020-06-09 Agenda (2020-06-08 at 2:15 PM)

GBA Board Meeting 2020-06-09 Minutes (2020-06-09 at 12:54 PM)

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