GBA Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 8:30 am until 9:30 am
A meeting of the Greenfield Business Association
Monthly meeting of the GBA Board, continued from cancelled 3/14 meeting due to snow storm.
- Accept Minutes
- December 13, 2022
- January 17, 2023
- February 14, 2023
- March 14 (no meeting)
- Old Business
- Finance Report
- Committee Reports
- Membership Committee (Bill, MJ)
- Coordinator Hiring Committee
- Reports on activities and events
- #DiscoverGreenfield Videos
- Hire Drew to manage our video postings going forward?
- Storage of garlands and lights
- GBA/City monthly meeting (MJ/Rachel)
- New Business
- Transitioning to new Coordinator
- GBA street address for new checks
- GCTV offered their street address for free, and a small room for rent. Will get details from Garry.
- Board positions changes
- Starting up GBA Newsletter
- Franklin County Map includes Greenfield? (MJ)
- Set up date(s) for Board Retreat.
- After hours weekday dinner? Kobe?
- Determine first-year steps and goals, and make a plan / calendar
- Preparing for Annual Meeting in June
- Create Committee and set meeting date
- Upcoming Events
- Green River Fest June 23-25
- Sharing
GBA Board Meeting 2023-04-11 Minutes (2023-04-12 at 4:27 PM)