GBA Board Meeting
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm
A meeting of the Greenfield Business Association
Agenda below.
- Accept Minutes
- Sept, 2023 (not available yet)
- Finance Report
- Board Updates
- City Council Appointee check-in
- Other empty seat ideas
- Board nomination - Michael Templeton [Hannah]
- Elizabeth Moore stepping down
- Post a photo, if you haven't
- Schedule with Hannah if you need help downloading to computer, phone, etc.
- Director Report
- Director's Report [apologies for not having a written report, will follow up the meeting with it]
- Committee Reports:
- Executive Committee: Mik (president), Bill (vp), Judy (clerk), Jane (treasurer)
- Finance Committee: Jane (chair), Hannah, Garry, Lisa
- Nominating Committee: Hannah (chair), Jeremy, Mik
- Membership Committee: Dan (chair), Hannah, Jeremy, Bill, Isaac
- Marketing Committee: Hannah (chair), Dan, AmyB, Isaac
- Streetscapes Committee: AmyC (chair), Hannah, Jeremy, Isaac
- Events Committee: AmyB (chair), Hannah, Judy, Jeremy, Jane
- Old Business
- Sharing / Announcements
GBA Board Meeting 2023-10-05 Minutes.docx (2023-12-11 at 12:15 PM)