ALL HANDS ON DECK - this is the season when we need the most board participation. We’ll review where the need is and how to get engaged.
In person volunteer needs
Slack usage
January Board Retreat - Schedule
December board meeting - preference for in person vs hybrid?
Committee Reports (30 min)
Nominating Committee
Short update
Advisory Council update
Member number updates
Intern update
Office hours idea - set up for 2025 and discuss more in depth at January retreat
Wells Street Corridor roundtable debrief
Jinglefest update
Tree Lighting
Mayor’s office is coordinating - Friday, December 6th at 5 PM
Plan for pathway for how businesses can participate
Pop-up Market
Trade H&R Membership for spot?
Brainstorm for 2025 to get on monthly schedule
Roundtables (upcoming ideas)
Where to house info/ideas and track progress out of these Roundtables?
Housing on Parking Lots - March
High Street Corridor
Industrial Park
Property Owners
Wedding Industry
Remote Workers (working outside of Greenfield and living here)
THIS WEEKEND - anyone willing to help clean out old garlands and help unbox new garlands?
November (15) 16 & 17 - 8:30 - 1 PM, 1 PM -
Isaac, Dan, Bill (maybe), Mike T, Mik?
Director’s Report and Updates (20 min)
CDC Fiscal Sponsorship relationship
Approval from John W to convene CORI workshop participants for follow up
Miscellaneous updates (5 min)
NEXT MEETING - Meeting: Monday, December 9, 2024 at 1:30pm - IN PERSON
Open to all members
Zoom, unless otherwise noted