GREENFIELD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION February 14th, 2023 Meeting Notes. In attendance: Kriste Joy, Mik Muller, MJ Adams, Penny Ricketts, Jeremy Goldsher, Amy Britt, and Rachel Roberts until 9:00 No quorum :-( Meeting opened at 8:37 AM o Winter Carnival: Christy Moore asked that we continue doing the Window Contest next year. o Gilmore and Farrell sponsored the Carnival on Court Square this year. o Christy may ask for GBA to plan/coordinate the Carnival on Court Square again next year. o Carnival is the first weekend of February. o Coop Advertising: Ask if we can get a price quote to resume the monthly GBA 1/2 page ad in the paper o Videos are ready to go. Mik will meet with Rebecca Rideout about gathering them into one place and launching them o Mik met with Rebecca, Garry and Drew, and a schedule was finalized o Bee Fest event: GBA help the Bee group sell about 50 pole-bees and keeps $15 from each. o We also did a bee scavenger hunt in past o MJ is working with the Bee group on the scavenger hunt o Green River Fest: June 24-26. Outreach to businesses for weekend sidewalk sale? TBD o Newsletter: We will finally start a monthly newsletter and Mik will dragoon board members to help. o Business Poll: Work on questions, and decide how to get it to them o There are about 650 known businesses in Greenfield. MJ can send spreadsheet o Rachel Replacement: Though she can never be replaced, we need someone to take her position now that she has resigned. o Mik suggested Drew Hutchison who is willing to be Interim Coordinator and see if he and the board fit Meeting ended at 9:19 AM Submitted by Mik