Advertise for 1/2 price

March GBA Member-Greenfield Recorder Ad has an open advertisement opportunity

5x5 inched in a similar advertisement could be yours for $150—February’s GBA-Greenfield Recorder Ad

As a new benefit for Greenfield Business Association members, your business can advertise with us and the Greenfield Recorder in our monthly GBA advertisement. On the third Friday of each month, the GBA pulls together a half-page advertisement listing all of our members businesses and featuring one or two sponsoring businesses.

You can benefit from a 3-column or 5x5 inch advertisement through your sponsorship of a specific month—for ½ of the price of the same size advertisement on your own!

Do you have a special event coming up? Are you running a sale soon? Do you want to get your business more exposure? Pick a month and advertise with us!

This is a first come, first-served benefit. Reserve your month, now!

This month - MARCH - has a 5x5 inch sponsorship available for $150 to our Greenfield Business Association members. It will be in the newspaper on March 22. Let our office know right away if you are interested (

Some months have the full 5x10 inch space available for $300—a huge savings! Contact the GBA office for availability.

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