Take Advantage of GBA’s Monthly Recorder Ad Space at 1/2 price for Members
For this monthly benefit for Greenfield Business Association members, your business can advertise with us and the Greenfield Recorder for 1/2 the price of usual ads. On the third Friday of each month, the GBA pulls together a half-page advertisement listing all of our members businesses and featuring one or two sponsoring businesses.
You can benefit from a 3-column or 5x5 inch advertisement through your sponsorship of a specific month—for ½ of the price of the same size advertisement on your own!
Do you have a special event coming up? Are you running a sale soon? Do you want to get your business more exposure? Pick a month and advertise with us!
This is a first come, first-served benefit. Reserve your month, now!
This month - FEBRUARY has been MOVED to 2/27 - GBA has a 5x5 inch sponsorship available for $150 to our Greenfield Business Association members. Let our office know right away if you are interested (gba@franklincc.org).
Some months have the full 5x10 inch space available for $300—a huge savings! Contact the GBA office for availability.
Click to Donate!