Help GFD businesses find COVID resources
The GBA is passing this along from Amy Shapiro with the Franklin County CDC:
Once more, we want to hear from our business community. The MA Small Business COVID Response Coalition* has compiled a 5-minute survey for business owners across the state to give input about if our businesses have access to the information they need; if these new resources are effectively getting to our business community; and if they are adequately meeting your needs.
Please share with others around the state.
English: http://survey.
Spanish: http://survey.
*The Small Business Coalition is a working group of state, regional and local organizations and leaders collaborating to support the business ecosystem across Massachusetts.
The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is open for applications and we encourage all small businesses that have been disrupted by COVID-19 to apply.
To Apply first find an SBA Lender to work with. Many of our local banks are SBA lenders.Check with your bank’s website to see if they are posting the PPP application and instructions. Go to the SBA PPP website to find a lender -
Complete the banks brief application and then the SBA PPP Application.
You will need to submit 2019 Tax Returns or Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet along with average monthly payroll information. You can access a profit and loss template on our website here.
See attached Information Sheet for more information.
This program may run out of funds so apply early.
Also, please check out our weekly webinars (live or taped) that provide useful information. Click here to see the whole list of upcoming webinars. Visit for our resource page.
Upcoming webinare topics include:
What small businesses need to know about the CARES Act,
How to Deal with Cash Flow Issues Due to COVID-19
COVID-19 Response: Business Continuity Planning to Survive and Thrive!
Please reach out to the FCCDC staff if you have any questions, concerns or ideas.
Amy Shapiro and the FCCDC Staff
Business Development Director
Franklin County CDC
Western MA Food Processing Center
324 Wells Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
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