BEES soar throughout Greenfield

Sponsoring a lamp post BEE is good marketing

BEES will be popping up on lamp posts throughout Greenfield within the next couple of weeks. These Bees will be "flying" around Greenfield all summer with the names of their sponsors. For $100 your business can generate a buzz for the entire summer!

NEW to the Greenfield's Bee Fest for the 2021 season is the opportunity for businesses and individuals to sponsor bees that will be affixed to lampposts throughout Greenfield--and the GBA is helping with their sponsorship. The GBA has been bringing bee-themed activities to Greenfield as part of the Bee Fest since 2018. We are thrilled to be collaborating with another aspect of the event.

Since 2010, Greenfield area residents have been buzzing about honeybees at the annual Greenfield Bee Fest held in the late spring. Launched to raise awareness about the vital role filled by these important pollinators, Bee Fest celebrates the contributions of Lorenzo Langstroth, pastor of the Second Congregational Church during the mid-1800s, who is known worldwide as the father of modern beekeeping.

Sponsoring Bee Fest Bees help support this year’s Bee Fest's creative projects and contribute to the infrastructure needed to bust loose in 2022 with more activities, more food and crafts, more involvement by area artists and businesses, and wider recognition. It's a fun way to draw attention to your business and help build Greenfield’s identity as a pollinator-friendly community alive with promise!

Bee Fest Bee Sponsorship

Designed by Nan Parati—whose distinctive designs and signature calligraphy already grace the GBA's downtown holiday stars and the Green River Festival's signs—the Greenfield Bee Fest Bees will herald spring gardens and summer sunshine like nothing else!

Sponsor one or more bees and see your company or organization’s name take flight within sight of your customers, neighbors and friends.

Bees are $100 apiece, and they will start appearing soon!

All bee sponsors will be recognized by name on our new Greenfield Bee Fest website ( Sponsor 3 or more bees and have your logo included, with a linkback to your website.

To sponsor Greenfield Bee Fest Bees, complete the following form OR print and mail the attached pdf with your payment information.

Online 2021 Bee Fest Bee Sponsorship

Printable 2021 Bee Fest Bees 2021 Sponsorship Form PDF

Click to Donate!