Need financial assistance? Don’t know where to begin? This Zoom Forum can help!
Teri Anderson, Executive Director of MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center, will provide guidance on how self-employed, gig workers, religious workers, people seeking part-time work, and others not otherwise eligible for unemployment assistance can apply for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance in Massachusetts (program registration planned to start April 30).
MJ Adams, Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Greenfield, will share the latest information about small grants Greenfield is preparing to offer. The City of Greenfield has small business revolving loan funds that are administered by the Franklin County Community Development Corporation (FCCDC). We have been working actively to modify the loan program to one that provides forgivable loans (grants) to small businesses that are dealing with the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This forum is open to all but is geared towards Greenfield business owners.
To register and get the Zoom invitation, please email the GBA at or at the FB event page
Please note: NO technical assistance with the Zoom platform will be provided during meeting on April 24th. Interested parties without basic Zoom experience are encouraged to attend the GBA’s Basic Zoom training session prior to the Small Business Assistance forum. Basic Zoom training session will be on Tuesday, April 21 at 10 am. Please email the GBA at to sign up or register on FB at for the zoom training session.
This meeting is sponsored by the Greenfield Business Association in collaboration with the City of Greenfield's Community & Economic Development Department.
The Greenfield Business Association is here to help Greenfield business owners navigate the COVID19 crisis. We are seeking your input on ways we can help our community through these challenging times. Have an idea for a forum, let us know:
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