Star Season Makes Greenfield Sparkle

Star Sales are open, Festival of Trees Returns, and We're Ready to Twinkle!

Sponsor your Holiday Light Lamppost - Garlands, Lights, and STARS!

Generous donors like you make it possible for the GBA to light-up downtown Greenfield with sparkles of holiday cheer each year! Join us in spreading the joy through a Holiday Lights sponsorship.

Your star hangs sparkly and festive from mid-November through early February, putting your business name in front of folks shopping, visiting, and commuting through downtown Greenfield this season. Your support keeps the heart of our little city feeling warm and bright through the darker months, and brings people back to your business. We shout out our STAR Sponsors on social media, our website, in the newspaper, and all over town.

PURCHASE HERE by November 15th to ensure your star is hung by the Annual Tree Lighting on December 6th.

Big thanks to our Star Sponsors who have ALREADY secured their Star for the Season!

Ames Electrical Consulting * Bob Cartelli's Body Shop * Chance Dance Studio * Coca-Cola of the Northeast * Cohn & Company * Franklin Community Co-op * Franklin County's Y * Freedom Credit Union * Gagne Wealth Management * Greenfield Cooperative Bank * GCTV * Greenfield Savings Bank * Greenfield Solar * Hampton Inn & Suites * Negus & Taylor Monuments * Patriot Care * Picture PLURfect Photography * Prosperitea Planning * PV Squared * Ruggeri Real Estate * Stone Soup Cafe * Toyota & Ford of Greenfield

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And this holiday season, help light up the Fairgrounds as well!

Since 2016, the Franklin County Festival of Trees has been a magical holiday season fundraiser, sponsored by the Franklin County Rotary and friends. Come experience our twinkling forest and bid for a chance to win your favorite tree and all of its prizes to take home for your holiday celebration!

November 29th - December 14th, 5 PM to 8 PM

Email the Festival of Trees committee for more info:

Click to Donate!