Or download the PDF and mail it with a check: GBA Membership Enrollment Form.pdf
Membership Annual Rates:
As a member of the GBA, you'll enjoy these outstanding benefits:
Ready to join? Please fill out the Enrollment Form below to send along your membership info and payment. Got questions? Email us at gba.4greenfield@gmail.com.
Membership terms run for 12 months.
* You’ll hear from us throughout the year for additional opportunities to sponsor decorations and events. We appreciate your consideration!
* We never want to turn members away due to financial considerations. Contact us to discuss other paths to membership, like our Ambassador program and volunteer opportunities. We are happy to work with you.
Consider becoming a SPONSOR! Membership is included in your sponsorship, and you can get in touch with us at gba.4greenfield@gmail.com to specify the avenues of your support — including events, operating budget, marketing, and more. Your increased support helps us more effectively raise visibility for Greenfield as a whole, enriching existing businesses and attracting new ones. Be a bigger part of sustaining and growing Greenfield!
Sponsorship Rates:
Click to Donate!