Community Resources

Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)


A regional organization offering a variety of programming, products and services, both on the municipal and regional level with the goal to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of municipal governmental functions and improve quality of life in the region. The FRCOG’s mission is to foster a vibrant, sustainable region for all, and to leverage resources that promote collaboration and efficiency within our member communities. We do this by providing advocacy, planning, and cooperative services – both proactively and in direct response to our member communities’ needs.


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An Area Agency on Aging and Aging Services Access Point, is a private, nonprofit corporation that develops, provides and coordinates a range of services to support the independent living of elders and persons with disabilities with a goal of independence. They also support caregivers, including grandparents raising grandchildren, in many ways. Lifepath (formerly Franklin County Home Care) serves all of Franklin County and Athol, Petersham, Royalston and Phillipston, Massachusetts. Some of our programs are available in Hampden, Hampshire, and Berkshire counties.

Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA)


The Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority serves the housing and community development needs of the 26 towns of Franklin County. HRA works with residents to successfully access a wide variety of housing resources. They also work with the municipalities of Franklin County to apply for and administer community block development grant funding for various infrastructure and community development projects.

United Way of the Franklin Hampshire Region


UWFH is the only flexible funding and convening organization specifically attuned to the needs of Franklin and Hampshire Counties and the North Quabbin Region. We provide general operating support to 64 programs of nonprofit agencies tackling the greatest needs of our community. Giving through UWFH allows donors to take a holistic approach to addressing the needs of our community by letting them invest a single gift into multiple programs working on different parts of the same problem.

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