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2021 Bee Fest Bee Sponsorship

Greenfield Bee Fest Bees are bound to create a buzz this summer!

How the Bee Fest Bees sponsorship program works: From early May to September lampposts throughout Greenfield (focusing mostly in downtown) will be decorated with fanciful yellow and white bees. Each sponsor’s name appears on a bee that hangs from one of lampposts. There are a limited number bees! While there is no official deadline to sponsor a bee, sponsorship is first come/first served until we run out of bees. You may choose to sponsor as many bees as you wish.

$100 Donation per bee All sponsors will be listed on the Greenfield Bee Fest's new website (www.GreenfieldBeeFest.org -- still under contruction but launching soon).

Sponsor 3 or more bees and your logo will be included on the Greenfield Bee Fest website, with a linkback to your website.

Bees may also be sponsored by individuals and as dedications or memorials

Complete this form to sponsor and pay for your Bee Fest Bees online.

(To mail-in your sponsorship, please print this Bee Fest Bee sponsorship PDF and  follow its mailing instructions. No need to complete this form.)



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